What Is an Articulation Agreement?
Articulation agreements provide students with a smooth transition between BRTC and another college without losing or having to repeat credit hours. In association with other Arkansas 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities, BRTC has entered articulation agreements with several colleges.
If you are planning to transfer to a 4-year college or university, visit with the transfer office at that 4-year institution as soon as possible to help ensure a smooth transition. We also encourage you to speak with your program advisor regarding these agreements.
AAS Transfer Disclaimer
The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is designed primarily for employment purposes. Therefore, one should not assume the AAS can be transferred to another institution. Before transferring the AAS to a 4-year institution, students need to get a written acceptance of the AAS transfer from the institution to which they will be attending. Students should visit with the college or university to which they wish to transfer as early in their college career as possible in order to facilitate a smooth transition upon departure from BRTC.
Before transferring the AAS to a 4-year institution, visit your advisor or check with the institution to which you will be attending as soon as possible in order to facilitate a smooth transition.
High School Articulated Credit
BRTC has developed articulation agreements for students from northeast Arkansas high schools in various areas of occupational education. High school students who are enrolled in articulated course(s) can earn college credit and begin working toward the completion of a technical certificate or AAS degree from BRTC. High school students should visit with their high school counselor regarding the availability of these offerings and to complete the recommendation form.
Upon entering BRTC, recent high school graduates should contact Admissions regarding receipt of articulated credit at (870) 248-4000.
For More Information

Bigger, Kimberly