The effectiveness of BRTC’s education can be found on this page.
[accordions initialAccordion="0"] [accordion title="Completion Rates by Program"]
Methodology: Completion numbers are calculated based on 150% of "Normal time to completion" as defined in the IPEDS glossary, using the first-time entering, full-time, degree-seeking cohort, which is a strict, but standard, definition used to calculate on-time completion rates. Therefore, on-time completion is as follows for each degree:
- Associate Degree: 3 years
- Technical Certificate: 1.5 years
- Certificate of Proficiency: 0.5 years
Selective Allied Health programs are excluded from the following reports.
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2021
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2020
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2019
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2018
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2017
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2016
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2015
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2014
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2013
- BRTC Completion by Major Cohort 2012
Allied Health
Because of the strictness of the definition, some programs will almost never make the cut as the normal time to completion is longer than traditional degree hours, such as PN, RN, and Respiratory Care. See the Selective Allied Health Programs completion report.
A Graduate Survey is sent to each graduate by mail or email at the six-month and one-year mark post graduation. One-year graduation survey data is published below. A link to the survey is texted to graduates who do not respond to the initial survey. If there is no response to the initial survey or the text, the non-responsive graduates are called. BRTC uses a Google Form for the survey. The survey is open for one month for graduates to complete.
- December 2021 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- May 2021 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Result
- December 2020 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- May 2020 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- December 2019 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- May 2019 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- December 2018 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
- May 2018 Graduates Post-Graduation Survey Results
Methodology: Retention is defined as first-time, degree-seeking (FTDS) students who enrolled in a Fall term and re-enrolled the following Fall term, plus those who graduated between terms, minus those who graduated and re-enrolled. Some programs are noticeably missing (RN, PN, and Respiratory Care) because students are not declared as those majors upon first entering.
For More Information

B.A., Harding University; M.S., Missouri State University; S.C.C.T., Arkansas State University