White Coat Ceremony

The Black River Technical College Practical Nursing Department held its inaugural White Coat Ceremony on the evening of September 18 in the Randolph County Development Center.

This ceremony was held to welcome the new December 2016 class of practical nursing students to the profession of nursing. White coat ceremonies are designed to instill a commitment to providing compassionate care among future health professionals. While in the past these ceremonies have been an important rite of passage of medical schools, the nursing faculty thought it important to instill the sense of value and pride in nursing students as well.

Students and their families were welcomed by Nursing 1 instructors Kelsie Cagle and Tahnee Green and shown a short video clip portraying the field of nursing. Following the video, Director of Nursing, Tonya Hankins spoke to the importance of professionalism and following the calling that has been placed in the students’ lives. Students were then cloaked with their symbolic white coats and welcomed into the nursing profession.

A reception for students and their families followed.

Students honored were: Front from left: Mikayla Marrow, Katrina Dougan, Elizabeth Rutledge, Sheila Floyd, Kylee Ford, Malorie Frazier, Briana Gibbs, Kaitlyn Schrum, Back from left: Layonda Bagwell, Gretchen Newberry, Brenda Mitchell, Krystal Wagster, Elizabeth Groschke, Larissa Cope, Jessica Kanok, Shane Barrow, Holly Winslow, Jeremy Blair, Lauren Blair, Holly Utnage, Elizabeth Barber, Jennifer Vaughn, Dana Winters, and Ashley Sorg.