We offer FREE tutoring and other support services for enrolled students. Our goal is to give you the tools to complete your coursework independently and successfully.
Pocahontas Center
Room: BT 101
Fall/Spring Hours: M-TH, 7:30 - 4:00
Summer Hours: CLOSED - Library is open 7:30 - 4:00
Paragould Center
Room: PAC 125
Fall/Spring Hours: M-F, 8:00 - 4:30
Summer Hours: M-Th, 8:00 - 5:00
Student Login
All students entering the Tutoring Center are required to sign-in using their student ID.
- The sign-in computer is located near the entrance of the center.
- Please sign-in and out each time you enter and leave so that each visit is counted.
- This is very important because this data is used to ensure the continuation of tutors and lab availability.
Tutoring Subjects
Tutoring is available in the following subjects: English, writing, math, history, business, and science.
Computer Access
The Tutoring Center provides access to computers for use by BRTC students for class work.
Quiet Study Areas
Private computer workstations are available in the Tutoring Center. Tutors are available upon request.
Textbooks and Solution Manuals
Current textbooks and older textbooks and solution manuals are available for most BRTC courses.
When you come to the Tutoring Center (TC),
- bring your writing and the assignment guidelines with you.
- be able to identify your general topic and purpose.
- plan ahead: consider scheduling an appointment at least two days before your assignment is due.
TC tutors will
- listen to your topic ideas and ask questions to help you develop your focus.
- review your paper to ensure it follows the assignment, and explain why, if it does not.
- point out confusing or unclear parts of your essay.
- help you identify grammar mistakes in your writing and explain how to correct them.
TC tutors will NOT
- edit your entire essay for you.
- comment on your opinions, correctness, or incorrectness.
Other Writing Lab Services
- Several writing handouts are available that you may take for quick reference
- Grammar guides and handbooks that you may use while working in the lab
- A computer lab that you may use to research and/or type your paper
- Complete all assignments promptly
- Participate in all classroom exercises
- Show progress by mastery (70%) of all the material
- Attend class on time
- Remain for the entire time
- Meet at least once with the instructor to discuss progress, any concerns, apprehensions, or problems so you may have every chance of succeeding in this course and in future courses
There are many resources for your classes available online!
English and Writing
How do I write a(n)….?
- Persuasive Essay
- Argumentative Essay
- Research Papers
- Descriptive Essay
- Narrative Essay
- Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing
Punctuation Guides
- Grammer
- Punctuation Overview
- Puncutation in Sentences
- Sentence Punctuation Patterns
- Commas Quick Rules
- More Comma Rules
- Commas After Introductions
- Commas vs. Semicolons
- Commas with Non-Essential Elements
- Apostrophe
- Hypen
- Quotation Marks
- Extended Rules for Quotations Marks
- More Quotations Marks
- Quotations With Fiction, Poetry, and Titles
- Brush Up On Quotation Marks
- Run-ons
Citing Sources
We're Here to Help!

B.S., M.S.E., Arkansas State University