Spanish for Medical Personnel

The BRTC Corporate & Community Education Department is offering Spanish for Medical Personnel, instructed by Hispanic Community Services.  In this course, participants will learn the Spanish language from a native speaking instructor, while also learning about Hispanic culture.  This class is customized by using forms from the participant’s workplace.  All class materials will be provided.  Due to a Plus 50 Grant awarded to the BRTC Corporate & Community Education Department, we are able to offer this training at a reduced rate.  Participants 50 and older will receive a 50% discount when registering for this course.  BRTC, participating in their final year of the Plus 50 Encore Completion Program, is working to assist adults age 50 and over in completing degrees or certificates in high-demand occupations that give back to the community in health care.  This has helped to prepare older adults for future careers, such as nursing, nurse practitioner, geriatric care, cancer treatment, medical transcription, medical coding, and home health care.  Spanish for Medical Personnel, a 16 hour introductory class, will meet on Tuesday mornings, August 25 – October 13, from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.  Register at the Continuing Education Building, located on the BRTC Pocahontas Campus, College Drive, Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  For additional information or alternate registration:  Call (870) 248-4180 or e-mail, or visit our website at and click on Pocahontas Campus.  Deadline for registration is Thursday, August 20, or until class is full.

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[button id=\”Spanish for Medical Personnel\” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\”\” color=\”green\”]REGISTRATION FORM[/button]