Spanish for Customer Service

The BRTC Corporate & Community Education Department is offering Spanish for Customer Service. This course will cover fundamentals of pronunciation, basic expressions, talking with customers, and interaction and information topics relating to customer service.  Participants of this course will receive a textbook to be utilized for this class and as a future resource.Spanish for Customer Service, a nine-hour introductory class, will meet on Tuesday mornings, November 3 – December 8, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. on the BRTC Pocahontas Campus.  Deadline for registration is Monday, November 2, or until class is full.

[button id=\” Spanish for Customer Service\” size=\”medium\” align=\”left\” link=\” \” color=\”green\”]FOR MORE INFORMATION[/button]

[button id=\” Spanish for Customer Service \” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\” \” color=\”green\”]REGISTRATION FORM[/button]