Spanish Course Offerings

The BRTC Corporate & Community Education Department is offering three Spanish courses:  Conversational Spanish: Series I, Spanish for Customer Service: Series II, and Spanish for Health Care: Series I.   No previous training in the Spanish language is necessary.  Each offering within a series is a stand-alone class for learning Spanish words, phrases, and pronunciation.  These six-week courses will be held on Friday mornings, April 1 – May 6.  Deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 30 or until class is full.

[button id=\”Spanish Offerings Spring 2016\” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\”\” color=\”green\”]FOR MORE INFORMATION[/button]

[button id=\” Spanish Offerings Spring 2016\” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\”\” color=\”green\”]Conversational Spanish REGISTRATION FORM[/button]

[button id=\” Spanish Offerings Spring 2016\” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\” \” color=\”green\”]Spanish for Customer Service REGISTRATION FORM[/button]

[button id=\” Spanish Offerings Spring 2016\” size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\” \” color=\”green\”]Spanish for Healthcare REGISTRATION FORM[/button]