OSHA Forklift Driver Training

OSHA Forklift Driver Training will help your team excel in workplace efficiency and safety.

The two-hour course is taught by an OSHA certified instructor. It complies with OSHA standard 1910.178, which requires all forklift operators to be properly trained and certified. The course will focus on the three key areas of formal instruction, practical training and a performance evaluation. Upon successful completion, participants will get a course certificate and an OSHA wallet card.

The course is scheduled for Tuesday November, 15, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  On-site driving practice will be held the following day on November 16th. The course fee is $99 and the registration deadline is November 11th. Call BRTC Corporate & Community Education at 870-248-4180 to register or for more information.

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