Leadership Randolph County Visits BRTC REACH Sites

Leadership Randolph County Class IV (L to R): Samantha Mitchell, Christine Miyawa, Amanda Trevillion, Margo Davis, Amanda Plumley, Katelynn Kenner, Kelsey Carpenter, April Green, Rae Steimel, and Maxaline Grimsley.

Leadership Randolph County recently explored the Rice/Upshaw house on the BRTC REACH site where volunteer tour guide Wilda Rowe spoke about life for female settlers at that time.

The visit was part of the \”LRC Agriculture Program.\” The group also visited goats at the Old Toney Farm and toured the Seagraves Hereford Farms chicken hatchery and cattle ranch.

Then, they traveled to Holston Heritage Farm to sample local produce and homemade bread, and handicrafts at The Knoll Open-Air Market. Afterward, Trish Varnell, Assistant Quality Manager at Peco Foods, gave an insightful presentation about the company\’s operations.

The day concluded with a Cor Solar facilities tour and explanation of how solar panels are impacting area agriculture.

For more information about Leadership Randolph County, contact the BRTC Corporate and Community Education department Director Patti Blaxton at (870)248-4181 or by email at pattib@blackrivertech.edu.