Hillcrest High School Students Tour BRTC

A group of Hillcrest High School Agri students recently spent a day touring Black River Technical College.  The tour is one of many led by BRTC Recruiter Rhonda Foster throughout the year for area high school students.

The Fire Science and EMT/Paramedic facility in Walnut Ridge was the first stop for the group who then traveled to the Pocahontas campus to visit the Automotive Complex and other departments including Welding, Machine Shop, Electricity, Aviation, and LETA (Law Enforcement Training Academy). The group also ate lunch in the BRTC cafeteria and viewed a video presented by Foster.

The purpose of campus tours, according to Foster, is to allow area high school seniors to see the campus and learn about the programs and other opportunities available at BRTC.  “We want to show students what BRTC has to offer,” said Foster, “and encourage them to make BRTC their first choice when planning for college.”

Approximately 17 students took the tour and were accompanied by Hillcrest counselor Marnie Johnson and Agri teacher Randy Nicholson.