Dr. Brad Baine Elected Vice President of the Arkansas Deans Association

Dr. Brad Baine

POCAHONTAS, AR. Oct. 15. Dr. Brad Baine, Black River Technical College’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, was recently elected Vice President of the Arkansas Deans Association founded in 1970. Dr. Baine was elected in September of 2020 and will serve through September of 2021.

Dr. Baine will be serving alongside the president of the association, Dr. Jeff Robertson, Dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences at Arkansas Tech University, and the secretary of the association, Terri Bonebright, Executive Vice President and Provost at Hendrix College.

The Arkansas Deans Association “brings together academic administrators from two-year and four-year, public and private institutions to consider issues facing higher education in our state and to share ideas about effective administrative practices.”

Baine states, “I feel honored to be selected to serve in this leadership role.  The Arkansas Deans Association has been a professional association for over 50 years and during that time the association has been instrumental in providing administrators in higher education an avenue to learn and share the best practices for successful leadership.  This association consist of administrators from 2 and 4-year institutions across the state of Arkansas.   I am grateful for the opportunity to represent the 22 community colleges and work alongside the representatives from the 4-year colleges, as we all look to provide quality professional development for our respective faculty and improve the educational offerings for all of our students.”

The tentative conference date and location for 2021 conference are Sept. 19-20, 2021 on the ATU Russellville campus.