Do you have a digital camera, but have no idea how to use it? Do you want to improve your skills in taking high-quality photos? Learn how to maximize the potential of your DSLR camera in just a few short weeks.
Digital Photography and Editing will familiarize you with the controls that are common to any popular brand of camera. Through a series of five sessions, you will be exposed to the tricks of the trade as it applies to composition, style, exposure, and digital editing. Each class will feature hands-on exercises and the opportunity to better understand the principles of photography. Beginners are encouraged, but all experience levels are welcome. Students must bring a DSLR camera, memory card, and manual.
This course will be held on Thursdays, May 3 – May 31, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Register at the Continuing Education Building, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The deadline to register is Monday, April 30.
For additional information or alternate registration: Call (870) 248-4180, e-mail, or visit our website at and click on Pocahontas Campus.
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[button id=\”Digital Photography & Editing\” size=\”medium\” align=\”right\” link=\”\” color=\”blue\”]REGISTRATION FORM[/button]