CPI Earns Extra $68,000 to Help Students

Black River’s Career Pathways Initiative program was ranked third highest in a state-wide pool of 25 Career Pathways Initiative programs. The financial award for this high ranking was over $68,000. This ranking, according to CPI Director Tom Baker, is based on the department meeting and exceeding the performance goals set out in the state Career Pathways grant program.

Pathways provides eligible students assistance with tuition, fees, books, childcare, and even gas. Pathways also offers students individual career counseling, interest inventories for career exploration, tutoring, employability skills training, assistance finding employment, and computer access.

“We believe this program has impacted our students in extremely positive ways,” said BRTC President Richard Gaines.  “Not only the money, but the interaction with Pathways staff members, we believe, has made a difference for many students, and may have been a deciding factor in their persisting and completing their degrees.  We are very proud of the work of the Pathways staff, and congratulate them on their well-deserved award.”

Performance goals are set out in the grant agreement and financial awards are given based on the success of the local program in attaining those goals, according to Baker. The award money will be used to assist eligible students. “The CPI staff is to be commended for their dedication to the success of this program,” Baker added, asserting that all of this was made possible by the hard working staff members in his department.

To be eligible for Pathways assistance, a student must have custody of a minor child and meet certain financial qualifications. Students interested in this program should visit the Career Pathways Department in AD 114.