BRTC’s Rickie Gunn Named 2023 Outstanding Faculty Member

BRTC President Dr. Martin Eggensperger (left) and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Brad Baine (right) present Welding Instructor Rickie Gun with a certificate naming him the 2023 BRTC outstanding faculty member. 

Black River Technical College’s outstanding Faculty member for 2023 is 10-year employee and welding instructor Rickie Gunn.

Gunn started his career in welding education at Cotton Bowl Vo-tech. During his career, he has earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Agriculture from Arkansas State University.

He joined the BRTC faculty in August 2013.  A student said, “He shows us how to do it, then lets us try on our own.  If we mess up, we learn from the mistake and try again.” Gunn’s colleagues say, “he’s a team player and is always willing to help other departments with projects when needed.”

BRTC’s outstanding faculty member, outstanding staff member, and BRTC’s academic all-star student traveled to Hot Springs last week where they accepted awards at the Arkansas Community College Conference.

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