BRTC’s 2021 Bucks and Ducks Festival

Kent Cullum and Stryker

POCAHONTAS, AR Nov. 2 – In conjunction with College Preview Day, BRTC held its 2nd annual Bucks and Ducks festival on the Pocahontas campus on Thursday, October 14.

Students enjoyed food, games, and music and had the opportunity to make a TikTok with Stryker, the BRTC mascot.

Kent Cullum, 9-time world champion duck caller, attended the festival and demonstrated different duck calls, and Arkansas’s Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop was on campus for tours as well.

Jason Smith, J.D., BRTC Vice President of Student Affairs stated, “Combining the Bucks and Ducks Festival, Senior Preview Day, and Be Pro Be Proud Truck visit led to a fun-filled day for both our current students and future Black Hawks.” Smith added that the festival would not have been possible without the help of countless volunteers.

For more information about student life at BRTC, visit