BRTC Students Attend ACC Student Leadership Academy

On February 3 and 4, five Black River Technical College (BRTC) students attended the Arkansas Community Colleges (ACC) Student Leadership Academy in Little Rock at the State Capitol. Alaric Coleman Jr., Dylan Almquist, and Alexandra Gunter represented BRTC’s Student Government Association (SGA), and Jessica Newsom and Misty Martin represented BRTC’s Phi Theta Kappa Chapter.

The students attended sessions that walked them through training in leadership, government process, communication, and critical thinking. All students collectively agreed that the information they gained was useful to their roles at BRTC and they plan to implement around campus it as soon as they can. Along with attending their sessions, the students also got the opportunity to meet local legislators and watch them work in their committee meetings.

According to their website, ACC is a non-profit association that provides “opportunities for networking, collaboration, and advocacy” for all 22 community and technical colleges in Arkansas. The Board of Directors is made up of the President/Chancellor from each of the 22 institutions, and they stand together with the executive director and staff to find ways to best serve their students, communities, and industries.

For more information about the Student Government Association contact Dane Dillion at For more information about Phi Theta Kappa contact Rachel Koons at

2025 2 26 -- BRTC Students Attend ACC Student Leadership Academy
Jessica Newsom, Alaric Coleman Jr., Dylan Almquist, Alexandra Gunter, Misty Martin, and Dane Dillion (Director of Student Development).