BRTC Represented at the 2nd Annual Rural Workforce Development Summit -Southern Region

Holly Looney

POCAHONTAS, AR. Nov. 25–Holly Looney, instructional technologist and social media director, created a Pecha Kucha presentation for the 2nd annual Rural Workforce Development Summit -Southern Region, a two-day event where players in rural economies convened and collaborated on ways to increase workforce opportunities.

The event was hosted by the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) and the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. It was held at both the Rockefeller Institute and the UACCM Workforce Training Center, as well as virtually, on Thursday, November 5, and Friday, November 6.

Looney’s presentation followed the required Pecha Kucha\” style, 20 chosen images displayed for 20 seconds showcasing BRTC’s academic and workforce, corporate, and community training programs. BRTC programs were marketed at the beginning and ending of presentations and during breaks.

\”The Rural Workforce Development Summit is a wonderful way to share information about BRTC’s programs,” Karen Liebhaber said.

For more information about BRTC\’s programs, visit