BRTC Named One of Best Community Colleges in the Nation


According to, Black River Technical College has been named one of the best community colleges in the nation.  BRTC ranked 21 out of 715 in the nation and 6 out of 22 in Arkansas.

BRTC also ranked as the 14th least expensive community college out of 715 in the nation in the category of Cost and Financing. compares American Association of Community Colleges member institutions in three dimensions:  1) Cost & Financing, 2) Education Outcomes and 3) Career Outcomes.  Data was collected from several sources for the 2017-2018 academic year:  National Center for Education Statistics, US News, U.S. Department of Education, Council for Community & Economic Research, and College Measures.

“This is wonderful news,” said BRTC Interim President Dr. Jan Ziegler.  “BRTC is a great place for students of all ages to attain their career and educational goals,” she added.  “It comes as no surprise that the college has been recognized as a place of quality educational opportunities at affordable costs.  Our faculty and staff are dedicated professionals who make this an institution where we are always striving for continuous improvement and the focus is on student learning.”

According to WalletHub’s website, “Students who earn their general-education credits at a community college before transferring to an in-state public four-year university can potentially save a lot of money.”  WalletHub is a financial advisor website which provides “1) Customized credit-improvement advice; 2) Personalized savings alerts; and 3) 24/7 wallet surveillance.”

Other community college rankings, including ranks of other local colleges and universities, are identified at