Stryker at the Randolph County Classic
POCAHONTAS, AR Mar. 9– On Wednesday, February 16, Black River Technical College’s Agriculture Program, along with Pocahontas and Maynard FFA Clubs, hosted the first annual Randolph County Classic.
Over 250 FFA members from 20 schools across the state attended the event. Some competitors participated in live animal judging contests, judging livestock, horses, and poultry. Others competed in agronomy, farm management, vet science, and land judging contests.
The FFA chapters placing first in each category were Agronomy, Mountain Home FFA; Vet Science, Mountain Home FFA; Livestock Judging, Mountain Home FFA; Poultry Judging, Maynard FFA; Horse Judging, Sloan-Hendrix FFA; and Land Judging, Piggot FFA. Brookland FFA and Sloan-Hendrix FFA tied for first in the Farm Business Management category.
Shauna Throesch, BRTC Agriculture Instructor, states, “I’m so honored that I could help host the first annual Randolph County Classic! It brought over 250 students to the BRTC campus. We’ve covered livestock judging, horse judging, land judging, agronomy, vet science, and farm business management. I am most proud of how all the high schools came together to help make this event a success.”
For more information about BRTC’s Agriculture program, visit