BRTC Hosts Annual CTC and Concurrent Educators Advisory Meeting

Front row (L to R): Marmaduke High School Counselor Karen Church, Sloan Hendrix High School Career Coach Abby Tyler, Rector High School Counselor Chelsea Clark, Rector High School Career Coach Kathy Fowler, and Corning School District Counselor Christy Varvil

Back row (L to R): BRTC Vice President of Academic Affairs Brad Baine, Sloan Hendrix High School Counselor Amanda Rorex, Walnut Ridge High School Counselor Debbie Findley, Greene County Tech Counselor Breta Dean, Maynard High School counselor Lauren West, -Brookland High School Career Coach Missy Clairday, Paragould High School Counselor Stacy Horn, Corning and Hoxie High School Career Coach Brittany Hall, Hoxie High School Counselor Andrea Vancil, BRTC Director of Career, Technical, and Concurrent Education Darenda Kersey, BRTC Career, Technical, and Concurrent Education Assistant Kelly Colbert


Black River Technical College (BRTC) recently hosted its Career and Technical Center and Concurrent program partners for its BRTC annual fall advisory meeting.

The group discussed the upcoming Spring enrollment.

For more information about BRTC’s CTC program contact Darenda Kersey at (870) 248-4185 or