BRTC Holds Annual High School Counselors Appreciation Day

BRTC held its annual High School Counselor Appreciation Day on Dec. 1 at its Pocahontas campus.

Counselors and career coaches from 10 Arkansas and Missouri school districts attended the event. BRTC President martin Eggensperger welcomed the counselors, Vice President of Student Affairs Jason Smith presented information on the programs offered by BRTC, and Director of Admissions Mary Anderson updated the counselors on all the new additions to the BRTC curriculum and campus.

Erin Matthews, BRTC’s Admissions counselor, spoke to the counselors and career coaches about the college’s academic offerings, scholarships, and 2+2 articulation agreements. The event concluded with a Q & A session followed by a tour of the campus.

Matthews added that the counselors are very important when it comes to the lives of students entering college and BRTC showing appreciation helps to improve relationships between area schools and BRTC.

Fore more information about Admissions, contact Director of Admissions Mary Anderson at (870)248-4011 or