BRTC Group Visits London, Stonehenge, and Bath

During the week of June 1, a group of BRTC staff, retired employees, students, and community members traveled for 7 days to London, Stonehenge, and Bath.  The trip is part of the BRTC’s annual International Tour series designed to provide the opportunity for international travel to BRTC employees, students, and community members.

The trip was led by Karen Liebhaber, BRTC VP of Institutional Advancement, and included retired BRTC employees Erma Ulmer and Debbie Prichard; bookstore manager Janice Harvey and her husband Jimmy; Liebhaber’s mother Jeri Powers;  and BRTC students, Michaela Townsend, and Jacob Lockard.

Among the highlights of the trip were visits to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, and the British Museum.  The group spent a day visiting the ancient Roman bathhouse in the city of Bath and toured Stonehenge.  They also attended a Hitchcock play The 39 Steps at a playhouse in the center of Piccadilly Circus.

For all but Prichard and Liebhaber, this was the group’s first trip to Europe.  For the students, this was their first flight.  “It was amazing,” said Lockard about the trip.

Liebhaber, who served as the group leader for the trip, was delighted with the travelers:  “We had the best time and got along so well.  I was really proud of how every person in our group looked out for each other.”

Liebhaber’s next trip will be to Switzerland in June 2017.  Any community member is welcome to join the group as well as all current and past BRTC students, faculty, and staff.  For more information, visit