POCAHONTAS, AR Jan. 25 — Plans are underway for the 14th Annual BRTC Foundation Gala to be held Saturday, March 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Randolph County Development Center (RCDC) in Pocahontas.
Several changes are occurring this year. Unlike past years, the event will be held at RCDC. “For the past 3 years, the BRTC Gala had a waiting list,” said Jana Caldwell, BRTC Gala committee chair. “We are hoping that by moving to RCDC we can accommodate everyone who is interested in coming.”
The additional room at RCDC will be used to offer Gala attendees a gourmet coffee bar and special punches. In addition, BRTC is delighted to have the chance to showcase its Law Enforcement Training Academy cadets. Chow at 118 will again cater the event.
Recent Galas have also had a 5:30 – 6:00 social hour during which time individuals were able to view auction items, miss the long entry line, and patronize the country club bar if they chose. This year, instead of a social hour, a President’s Reception will be held at AgHQ Peanuts from 4:30 – 5:45.
For an additional $35, President’s Reception attendees will catch a shuttle from RCDC to the reception. There, attendees will have access to the Above and Beyond Bourbon Bar, sponsored by Above and Beyond Health Care, Inc.; the President’s Selection, a collection of premium spirits; and a premium wine bar. Hors d’oeuvres will be sponsored by PECO Foods, Inc. The venue is sponsored by AgHQ Peanuts and Mary Helen Jackson will serve as hostess of the reception. Tickets are limited to 100.
“We are really excited about the President’s Reception,” said Graycen Bigger, BRTC Foundation board member, Gala committee member, and assistant organizer of the President’s Reception. “We feel like it is a way for Gala attendees to socialize in a quiet, cocktail setting before dinner.”
Proceeds from this event will assist the BRTC Foundation in providing scholarships and other needed services to the college, BRTC students, and the community.
Gala tickets are $65 each. Tickets to the President’s Reception are an additional $35. Tickets for both may be purchased by calling Shawna Lepard at (870) 248-4026 or online at www.blackrivertech.org/gala.