BRTC Dietetics Instructor Christina Derbes Gives Presentation About Food Safety at ANFP Annual Meeting

Black River Technical College (BRTC) Dietetics Instructor Christina Derbes recently traveled to Hot Spring where she presented at the Arkansas Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP) annual state meeting.

Derbes’s presentation covered food safety in a fun and interactive series of games and included a brief discussion of the top five reasons foods become unsafe.

She highlighted the various challenges healthcare food service professionals face in ensuring food safety within healthcare institutions and how innovative best practices can be used to overcome those challenges.

Derbes discussed the latest trends and best practices in food safety, including the importance of staff training and the implementation of stringent sanitation protocols. The presentation also focused on regulatory compliance, emphasizing its critical role in maintaining high standards of food safety.

“We often underestimate the significance of food safety within healthcare facilities,” said Christina Derbes. “It’s not just about serving delicious and nutritious meals. It’s about safeguarding the health of patients and residents. Food safety is paramount to our mission in healthcare food service management.”

For more information about the dietetics and dietary management programs at BRTC, contact Christina Derbes at (870) 248-4168 or