POCAHONTAS, AR May 12 — Black River Technical College has created a phased-in approach to returning to campus.
Beginning May 18, BRTC will begin Phase 1 of its return plan. Employees will return to campus while continuing social distancing, daily fever and symptom screening, limiting group sizes, and receiving approval to work from home when appropriate. Certain students will be contacted personally and invited to return to complete postponed laboratory and hands-on coursework but will also be required to follow safety procedures. BRTC will remain closed to the public during this phase.
Phase 2 will begin this summer at a date to be determined later. BRTC will reopen to the public while continuing with social distancing, daily fever and symptom screening, and other CDC- and state-suggested procedures to protect those who visit campus including restrictions on group sizes as suggested.
Phase 3 is expected to occur at the end of the summer. While contingency plans are continuing to be evaluated and adapted to the changing environment, BRTC is working to have students safely back on campus this fall. A variety of social distancing scenarios are being discussed including hybrid, online, and other technology-enhanced classroom arrangements.
During and after this unprecedented time in our lives, Black River Technical College is dedicated to ensuring the safety and health of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. While plans at the college are continually being evaluated and adapted, the public is invited to visit our Campus Health page for updates and alterations to the plan at http://blackrivertech.org/brtcstudents/campus-health.
For more information, contact Karen Liebhaber at karenl@blackrivertech.edu or visit www.blackrivertech.edu for updates.