BRTC Agriculture Hosts guest speaker U of A Division of Agriculture Dr. Jason Davis

U of A Division of Agriculture Assistant Professor Jason Davis (right) shows BRTC agriculture students (left to right) Matthew Exum, Price Thurman, and Logan Hickox how to control the drone

Black River Technical College’s (BRTC) agriculture department recently hosted University of Arkansas Assistant Professor Dr. Jason Davis as a guest speaker on the BRTC Paragould campus.

Davis presented the BRTC agriculture technology class with a lecture and PowerPoint on precision agriculture. After which, he provided a drone demonstration including three drones of different sizes with various functions, such as variable rate technology. Drones have become a useful tool in agriculture often used for spot-spraying crops.

For nearly a decade, Davis has offered technical assistance and educational support to county extension agents, applicators, and producers on application equipment selection, calibration, and drift mitigation in different production systems including row crops, specialty crops, pasture, and turf. Furthermore, he helps with the adoption, development, and use of Remote Sensing and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, and precision agriculture

“Dr. Davis’s time spent with my agriculture technology students is much appreciated,” said Agriculture Instructor Ronnie Hinson. “My students were interactive and interested in his presentation.”

For more information about the BRTC agriculture program, contact the agriculture instructor Ronnie Hinson at (870) 248-4032 or


BRTC Agriculture Instructor Ronnie Hinson, BRTC Agriculture student Matthew Exum, BRTC Agriculture student Price Thurman, BRTC Agriculture student Logan Hickox, U of A Division of Agriculture Assistant Professor Dr. Jason Davis