BRTC Academic Advisor Dr. Zachary Singleton Presents at Ark-Ahead Conference

BRTC Academic Advisor and ADA Coordinator Dr. Zachary Singleton presents at the 2024 Ark-Ahead conference in Greers Ferry

Black River Technical College (BRTC) Academic Advisor and ADA Coordinator Dr. Zachary Singleton attended the Arkansas Affiliate of the Association on Higher Education (Ark-Ahead) 2024 conference in Greers Ferry.

At the conference, he made a presentation titled “Technology is My Friend and It Can Be Yours.” He spoke about how to find books in alternate formats, working with EPUB (electronic publication) files, and using Chat GPT4 to create alt text for images.

According to, Ark-AHEAD is an organization for professionals working with people with disabilities in postsecondary education settings in Arkansas. Ark-AHEAD plays a vital role in the provision of professional development and networking opportunities. They strive to respond to the rapid changes in the law and accommodation practices, the isolation felt by many disability coordinators, and the dual roles that many professionals serve. Memberships are formed from postsecondary schools: public, private, two-year, four-year, graduate, and vocational-technical colleges. Ark-AHEAD members unite in their common needs and concerns in service to students with disabilities. Ark-AHEAD is affiliated with AHEAD (National Association on Higher Education and Disability).

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