Blending Entrepreneurship and Education is Topic of Presentation

Entrepreneur Matthew Hampton, accompanied by his wife Maria, was on the BRTC campus recently to give a presentation on ways entrepreneurship can be worked in the curriculum, and shared ways that it’s being utilized in other educational institutions.

Hampton is a graduate of the University of Arkansas in Little Rock and began his entrepreneurial journey at the age of 15.  His passion for employing and helping other youth let to the launching of a service contracting business called Teen Connection.  He later had the opportunity to work in the Clinton White house developing youth programs and to give presentations nationally.  His goal has been to increase child and youth-age level of engagement.

After graduating college, he became a partner in a funeral home company and developed it into a multi-million dollar operation.  He then sold it and moved into venture capital.  In 2005, through his company, MH Marketing, he formed the Elevate Entrepreneurship organization to help youth learn how to develop their own businesses.  The group has developed programs for a wide variety of organizations.

Several BRTC faculty, staff, and students, along with a few members of the community, gathered to hear Hampton speak about how to identify and guide prospective entrepreneurs into appropriate courses and projects.

That morning Hampton met with area mayors and community officials to discuss the potential of partnering with BRTC to enhance entrepreneurship opportunities in the region and encouraging economic development.