Black River Technical College’s Fire Science Students Achieved 100% Pass Rate

BRTC Fire Science Students

POCAHONTAS, AR. Nov. 12–Black River Technical College’s Fire Science students achieved 100% pass rate on the Hazardous Materials Operations section of the course.  This section is overseen by the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management.

The Hazardous Materials Operations section of the course consisted of several days of classroom instruction followed by a full day of practical exercises where students put on various types of hazardous materials emergency response (hazmat) equipment and performed decontamination procedures. These procedures are followed when emergency responders come in contact with hazardous materials.

According to Alan Haskins, Fire Science instructor, “This section is one of the hardest sections of the 13-week course, and all of the students did extremely well.  I am really proud them.”

For more information at the Fire Science program, contact Alan Haskins at (870) 248-4000 ext. 4129 or, or visit the website.