Black River Technical College Celebrates Constitution Day

Marguerite Gill, BRTC Student

POCAHONTAS, AR Sept. 28—Black River Technical College celebrated United States Constitution Day on Friday, September 17, 2021.

September 17 is designated as Constitution Day to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

Mark Warnick, BRTC Library Director, and Brittany Milligan, Library Technician, set up a Constitution Day Display in the BRTC Library on the Pocahontas campus. Mark Warnick, states, “Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and reminds us that our government is bound by principles and laws, including the guarantee of certain personal rights afforded to its citizens that cannot be infringed. Our adherence to these concepts has worked for over 230 years to sustain the most prosperous and influential society and champion of human rights the world has ever known. It is so fundamental to the success of our society that soldiers and elected presidents and congressional members swear an oath to affirm and protect it. As educators, one of the greatest disservices we can do to our students and to the nation is to fail to pass on a proper respect for the importance of the constitution and at least a basic knowledge of its principles and values.”

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