Black Hawk Basics

Tips for Preparing Your Child a Healthy Lunch by Christian Derbes

  • Get your kids involved! Let them help you with the grocery shopping. Asking for their help promotes responsibility and teaches them healthy shopping habits.
  • Make sure the packages are easy to open. Lunchtime at school is limited to 20 to 30 minutes, so be sure your child can open packages independently.
  • Make food fun! Use cookie cutters to cut bread, fruits, and vegetables into fun shapes.
  • Limit processed snacks. Processed snacks are often high in sodium and sugar but low in vitamins and minerals that growing kids need.
  • Choose flavored water instead of soda. Let kids pick their own water bottle, and add fruit for flavoring. Avoid packing drinks that offer no nutritional value like soda.

Visit for information about BRTC\’s Nutrition and Dietetics Program.