Speaking, Paragould Mayor Mike Gaskill. Back row from left to right, BRTC President Dr. Martin Eggensperger, BRTC Board of Trustee member and Executive Director of Paragould Regional Chamber of Commerce Sue McGowan, RN and Chief Nursing Officer at Arkansas Methodist Medical Center Lana Williams, and Chief Operating Officer Jason Masingale
POCAHONTAS, AR Nov. 18, 2019 – Black River Technical College is excited to announce that Arkansas Methodist Medical Center (AMMC) has become an instructional site for the new BRTC registered nursing (RN) traditional pathway to begin in Fall 2020.
On Monday, November 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the AMMC atrium BRTC and AMMC entered into a strategic partnership, allowing students enrolled in BRTC’s registered nursing (RN) traditional pathway to attend classes on either the Pocahontas BRTC campus or at AMMC.
“We are excited to enter into this partnership which will allow students the opportunity to obtain a nursing education closer to home,” said BRTC’s Dean of Nursing and Allied Health Ramonda Housh. “Educating nurses within their community can result in an increased likelihood of becoming employed in those same communities.”
The proposed program will be composed of the traditional in-classroom delivery and live audio-visual feed provided by video conferencing. The instructor providing the lecture and classroom activity will rotate between the BRTC Pocahontas campus and the AMMC location. Students at both locations will receive equal face-to-face instructional time.
“The partnership between AMMC and BRTC is vital to our community,” said Lana Williams, RN and Chief Nursing Officer at Arkansas Methodist Medical Center. “Greene County residents will have the opportunity to attend an excellent nursing program and there is a tremendous need for nurses in our community, state, and nation. AMMC looks forward to working with BRTC and will continue to provide excellent patient care.”
The registered nursing traditional pathway has received prerequisite approval to accept up to 48 students beginning in Fall 2020. A maximum of 24 of the accepted students may be seated at the AMMC location. BRTC will go before the Arkansas State Board of Nursing January 9, 2020, in order to receive initial approval and will be able to begin advising students at that time.
For more information about the nursing programs offered at BRTC, contact Ramonda Housh at (870) 248-4173 or Ramonda.Housh@blackrivertech.edu or Dana Clay, Allied Health Academic Advisor at (870) 248-4150 or danac@blackrivertech.edu.