Advanced Dance & Get Fit Line Dance Class

Due to popular demand, we are now offering an Advanced Dance & Get Fit Class for those who have already taken our beginner\’s class or for those that want to sharpen their skills and get some exercise!

This dance class is for experienced dancers who would like to:

  • Expand Your Dance Moves
  • Improve Your Balance
  • Improve Your Confidence
  • Help Burn Calories

Dance Your Way To New Friends and Fun!

Register at the Continuing Education Building located on the BRTC Pocahontas campus, College Drive, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM.

For additional information or alternate registration: Call 870-248-4180, email, or visit our website at and click on Pocahontas campus.

[button id= \”Advanced Dance & Get Fit Line Dance Class\” size=\”medium\” align=\”left\” link=\”\” color=\”blue\”]FOR MORE INFORMATION[/button]

[button id=\”Advanced Dnace & Get Fit Line Dance Class\” size=\”medium\” align=\”right\” link=\”\” color=\”blue\”]REGISTRATION FORM[/button]