BRTC Board of Trustees Holds Quarterly Meeting

The Black River Technical College (BRTC) Board of Trustees held a quarterly meeting at the Paragould campus on September 5. The board received updates from the president and college departments.

The board was also brought up-to-date with many developments around the college. Academic Affairs and Student Affairs both reported enrollment was up and that classes were full. Jason Smith, vice president of student affairs, specified that enrollment was up 8.1% per semester credit hour and about 10.8% by head count. Smith also told them Career Services, now The Bridge, updates had been completed and the center is now equipped with cutting-edge technology for students to use.

Vice President of Finance and Administration Rhonda Stone and Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness Sissy Grey also reported updates for their departments. Stone told the board the welding renovations in Pocahontas were almost complete, and the Paragould eSports lounge now has glass installed. Gray reported the college was working on forming a partnership with the College of the Marshall Islands in Uliga, Majuro Atoll. Gray said this international partnership would not only be great for the colleges, but also for the Marshallese community in Arkansas.

Lastly, the board voted on the approval for auxiliary officers for the BRTC Police Department, and an approval of a resolution between BRTC and Jonesboro High School. The approval of the resolution would allow Jonesboro students to earn credits through the BRTC Career, Technical, and Concurrent (CTC) program.

The board’s next meeting will be December 19 at 4:30 p.m. on the Pocahontas campus.

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