Agriculture and Respiratory Students Learn Together

   BRTC animal science students (L to R): Carter Privett, Garrett Penn, Annelise Borum, Mariah Ritchey, Ag Instructor Shauna Throesch, and Seth Brooks. Front: Cooper Fish

Black River Technical College’s (BRTC) Animal Science class recently performed a fetal piglet dissection led by BRTC Agriculture Instructor Shauna Throesch.

The class learned how to identify the different parts of the animal’s anatomy, organs, and tracts. The class also shared the dissection with BRTC Respiratory Instructor Jessica Alphin’s respiratory students who focused on techniques for breathing and how the lungs function.

For more information on the BRTC agriculture program, contact Shauna Throesch at (870)248-2068 or by email at

For more information about the respiratory program, contact Jessica Alphin at (870)248-4087 or by email at