BRTC’s Certified Nursing Program Completes a Week of Full Activities

BRTC Concurrent CNA Students (Rector High School)

POCAHONTAS, AR Oct. 25— Black River Technical College’s Certified Nursing Assistant instructors, Holli Nitzsche and Holly Winslow, visited Rector High School to observe Kocaina Blount’s, one of BRTC’s concurrent CNA instructor, class.

BRTC’s instructors observed Instructor Blount’s high school students learning how to bathe a bedridden resident. Black River Technical College and Rector High School are concurrent education partners.

Later in the week, CNA instructors fitted BRTC’s Career and Technical Center (CTC) students for scrubs. The CTC students begin CNA courses on Monday, October 11.

For more information about BRTC’s Career and Technical Center or Concurrent Enrollment Program, visit