Publicity Opt-Out

BRTC respects the right of students and others to opt-out of publicity communications and campaigns.  To opt-out, complete the BRTC Publicity Opt-Out form.

Student Responsibilities

However, individuals who opt out must also accept responsibility for all of the following:

  • recognizing and accepting the opt-out details below,
  • removing yourself from area in which photographing/recording is occurring,
  • notifying the photographer or videographer on-site of your opt-out status, and
  • notifying your instructor, classmates, and other college personnel of your opt-out status if videos or photography are occurring within the classroom or program.

Examples of Publicity

While BRTC will work diligently to respect one\’s right to opt-out of publicity communications, please note that the following items are also considered publicity materials and this form also constitutes the students\’ removal from publicity including the following:

  • Commencement and other graduation programs including verbal, photographic, and written recognition;
  • Press releases announcing honor society membership, scholarship awards, and other program, event, and honorary-based news;
  • Videos and slideshows showcasing programs, classes, and members of groups;
  • Features and spotlights focused on student achievement;
  • Marketing and advertising for programs, classes, and the college; and
  • Any form of video, photographic, voice, and written acknowledgment and news.

Important Notices

Your adherence to the opt-out guidelines is essential to your full exclusion from publicity materials

  • BRTC will still contact you regarding academic, financial, and other legal purposes when necessary.  You cannot opt-out of these communications.
  • If no Publicity Opt-Out Form is on file with a photograph of yourself in the Office of Institutional Advancement, BRTC cannot guarantee your exclusion from photography, video, or news.
  • BRTC Campus Police reserves the right to retain your image if necessary for security purposes.
  • Because all College personnel are unable to know all students by name and face, while the College will do its best to exclude your image, voice, and name from publication, BRTC cannot be held liable for accidental publication of your information.
  • You must submit a new opt-out form for each semester during which you want to be excluded from publicity.
  • Publicity Opt-out will begin on the business day after which the form has been submitted.
  • If the form is submitted during the semester, BRTC cannot guarantee that your likeness or name has been excluded from previous or currently running publicity.

Institutional Advancement wants assure students the Office will do its best to prevent any accidental publicity and rectify the problem immediately to the best of its ability.

[button size=\”medium\” align=\”center\” link=\”\” linkTarget=\”_blank\” color=\”blue\”]Opt-Out Form[/button]