BRTC Students May Be Eligible for CARES Act Money

POCAHONTAS, AR  May 21  —BRTC has received federal CARES Act money and more than $800,000 must be distributed to students by Fall 2020.

Over 700 Spring 2020 BRTC students were emailed by on May 7 with instructions on how to request to be evaluated for the funding.  Spring 2020 students should check their email because they have until June 1 to complete the eligibility form. Fulltime eligible students will receive $510 and eligible part-time students will $255.

BRTC students enrolled in Summer and/or Fall 2020 will be notified via email during those semesters with instructions for how to request funds.  Students should watch their BRTC email for more information.  Additional deadlines and disbursements will be announced at a later date time as the summer and fall semesters near.

In all, BRTC will be making three disbursements, but students will have to respond by the deadline identified in emails sent to them by BRTC.

For more information and to keep abreast of the latest deadlines, visit or the BRTC homepage.