BRTC Awards the Sylvia Cagle Single Parent Scholarship to Brooke Cato

POCAHONTAS, AR October 25, 2019 – Brooke Cato has been awarded the Sylvia Cagle Single Parent
Scholarship. Cato is the daughter of Dwayne and Angie Capps of Pocahontas and mother of Raycen
Cato. Cato is a graduate of Pocahontas High School and is currently seeking a degree in nursing.

In honor of his mother, Sylvia, this $500 scholarship is provided by Darrell Cagle. Qualifying applicants
must be residents of Randolph County, single parents either male or female, and must be non-
traditional students. Recipients are chosen by lottery draw.

For more information about creating or supporting a scholarship, contact Karen Liebhaber at (870) 248-
4185 or email her at