Serendipity 2018-2019

BRTC announces the start of its new year of Serendipity.

11:30 a.m. on Friday, September 21

Room 113 of the Richard Gaines Technology Center

This year\’s theme focuses on the topic of \”family,\” and is titled, \”For Better.  For Worse.  For Family.\”  Serendipity is a combination book club/class which meets once per month, September through May, for lunch and for the program which includes a discussion of the books.

This year\’s program facilitator is Pamela Meridith, Director of Library Services at Williams Baptist University. We look forward to seeing both our former members and some new friends join the group this year.

Registration for this program is available throughout the year. In order to attend the first meeting, please register by Wednesday, September 19.  For more information regarding Serendipity, please contact the Corporate & Community Education office at 870-248-4180 or email

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