Black Hawk Basics

Tips on How to Deal with Stress/Depression During the Holidays

1. Understand and accept your own feelings. Maybe you’ve recently lost a loved one or can’t be with family this year. It’s important to realize that it’s normal to feel sadness and grief.

2. Reach out. If your feeling isolated or lonely, it’s important to reach out to family or friends, even if it’s via a phone call or text. You might even reach out to your community, social events, or religious organizations. There are plenty of great online support groups as well that can help.

3. Set aside your differences. First of all, no one is perfect. Be more accepting of family and friends regardless if you agree with them or not. They may be feeling the same way you are.

4. Stick to a budget. Trying to buy people’s happiness is never a good idea. Experiment with homemade gifts or do a family gift exchange to help cut down on costs.

5. Learn to say NO! Always saying yes can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Friends and family will understand if you can’t be at every holiday event.

6. Don’t overindulge just because it’s the holidays. Remember to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. If you are suffering from depression, it is never a good idea to overindulge in alcohol.

7. Seek professional help. If you feel your symptoms of depression are becoming too much to handle, seek help from a doctor. Be honest about your feelings and discuss your treatment options.

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