Spring 2019 Practical Nursing Leave a Legacy Scholarship

POCAHONTAS, AR  Apr. 1 – BRTC’s May 2015 Practical Nursing class knew many PN students in their last semester struggled to pay for licensure and test fees. They created this scholarship to help their peers. Each class has continued to keep the legacy alive.

Eighteen $200 scholarships have been awarded to Spring 2019 PN class members:  Jordan Holland, Samantha Weir, Sunnie Cunningham, Madison Foster, Alexandria Davis, Anne Bruetsch, Brittany Reeder, Penny McCluskey, Courtney Rigdon, Bobbie Anderson, Katelyn Adams, Rebecca Ferguson, Jacob Duncan, Ariana Gibson, Joshua Pickett, Katlyn Noles, and Sara Cullum,

For more information about setting up a scholarship, contact Karen at (870) 248-4185 or email her at KarenL@blackrivertech.edu.