“SOAR” Partnership to Provide ACT Tutoring

A partnership between Corning Savings and Loan, Pocahontas High School, and Black River Technical College will provide a session of special tutoring in a program dubbed “Project SOAR (Sail Over Academic Remediation).” The program will serve PHS juniors and seniors who are working to raise their ACT scores to a level at which they are not required to take remedial coursework when they enroll in the college of their choice.  The tutoring sessions will be held during students’ study hall beginning the week of November 5 and end December 7, in preparation for the December ACT testing date.

This is the third such session, and is made possible through the generous funding support of Corning Savings and Loan, with support also from the college and the high school, according to BRTC President Dr. Wayne Hatcher.  Both of the previous SOAR sessions resulted in impressive student gains on ACT scores, saving the students and their parents hundreds of dollars each and adding to the likelihood of college success.

Prospective tutors and prospective student participants should contact the office of the PHS Counselor Lynne Hogan at 892-4573, EXT 4004.