PBL Students Compete, Win Awards

Members of BRTC’s chapter of PBL (Phi Beta Lambda) attended the State Leadership Conference April 12-14 in Little Rock and received several awards during competitions, according to Darenda Kersey, PBL co-advisor.  The Leadership Conference is an annual event held for state chapters of PBL. Participants attend business-related and leadership development workshops and participate in competitive events.

Students placing in competitions were: Laurie Wilkerson, 1st place – Machine Transcription; Vickie Broadwater, 3rd place – Computerized Accounting; Jason Moseley, 4th place – Business Communications; and Shelby Borst and Michelle Duran, 5th place – Desktop Publishing.

BRTC’s chapter received 1st place in Largest Increase in Local Chapter Membership and 5th place in Largest Local Chapter Membership Associate (2-year colleges). “We are very proud of our PBL chapter members who competed in the State Leadership Conference and competitions,” said Kersey. “This was their first competition and the students did an excellent job of representing BRTC.”

PBL is an association of Future Business Leaders of America at the postsecondary level. Coadvisors along with Kersey are Shannon Ogden, business instructor, and Debbie Prichard, Business Department Head.

Anyone interested in learning more about BRTC’s chapter can contact one of the advisors at 870-248-4000.