Donation to Fire Science

Emergency Vehicle Specialists (EVS) donated $35,000 worth of extrication equipment to the BRTC Fire Science program.

The bundle of Holmatro rescue tools are all items firefighters would use when working a vehicle accident.  Holmatro donated a cutter which allows firefighters to cut roofs off cars in accidents, a spreader which allows firefighters to open vehicle doors, a ram which allows firefighters to remove debris off of victims, and a power unit which supplies the power to all these tools.

Philip Posey, the representative from EVS, explained, “Holmatro rescue tools are lighter and better for firemen and first responders.”  Holmatro donated these tools to BRTC through a program which provides schools such as BRTC with the latest equipment.  As Holmatro develops more advanced equipment, they will donate it to BRTC and replace the older, donated equipment.

“The extrication equipment we have is over 20 years old and needs to be replaced,” stated Alan Haskins Director of Fire Science.  “It has been used in hundreds of classes and is beginning to get worn out.  Replacing it was going to cost more than $40,000.  EVS’s donation will allow us to purchase other equipment we have been needing.”