Crime Analysis for Chief Executives

February 18 – 19, 2016

The \”Crime Analysis for Chief Executives\” two-day workshop seeks to assist top commanders in identifying  how to support actionable analysis within their own departments and use that analysis to drive operations.  Workshop attendees are provided with the very comprehensive guidebook on \”Building a Model Crime Analysis Capacity: 40 Steps for Law Enforcement Professionals.\”  The instructors guide executives through the development of a customized plan to establish or enhance analysis within their own departments.

Department CEO\’s are encouraged to attend the workshop with agency teams consisting of the commander as well as supervisors and analysts so that they can work together to develop a plan that addresses specific challenges within their own departments and also determines how to best address local crime issues and make the most of available resources.  Prior to the workshop, attendees are asked to complete an \”agency inventory worksheet\” detailing the department\’s technology and analysis capabilities so that the workshop can be best customized to address needs and challenges.

The workshop is free and free follow-up technical assistance is available to all participating agencies. To register, please contact Yvonne Pfeifer at yvonne@iadlest. org or you can reach her at 208-288-5491.