Caldwell is Leadership Academy Graduate

Angie Caldwell, Vice President for Technical Education at BRTC, recently graduated from Arkansas Association of Two-Year Colleges’ (AATYC) Higher Education Leadership Institute.  She was among 24 participants from two-year colleges and Higher-Ed institutions around the state that completed the 10-day program.  The graduation ceremony was held June 10 at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute at Petite Jean Mountain in Morrilton.

According to information obtained from the AATYC website, the goal of the Leadership Institute is to identify, develop, prepare and advance leaders from within Arkansas two-year colleges.  Through an experience-based model, participants develop general leadership skills and executive leadership skills related to academics, finance and student affairs.

The Leadership Institute was established in 2008 after a study was done which highlighted the potential shortage of leadership in administration at community colleges in Arkansas.  The program allows participants to gain insight into the administration of higher education and higher education leadership.

To date, 99 leaders have graduated since the program was established four years ago.  Each institution is allowed to send one representative.  Roger Johnson, VP for General Education, was the first to represent BRTC when he participated in the program last year.

The course consists of three-day sessions held in November, February and April, at different locations across the state, with the final session being held the day of graduation.  Caldwell was presented her award by BRTC President Dr. Wayne Hatcher.

“It was the best Higher Ed experience I’ve ever had,” said Caldwell.  “It was absolutely wonderful and life changing.”