BRTC’s Library Director Selected as Delegate for Arkansas Open Education Network

Mark Warnick

POCAHONTAS, AR June 16 – BRTC’s Library Director Mark Warnick has been nominated to be a delegate for the Arkansas Open Education Network (OEN). He accepted his nomination on Monday, June 14, 2022.

Along with Mr. Warnick, seven other individuals from community colleges across the state were selected. The new delegates will be responsible for serving as liaisons for the OEN and assisting in disseminating OEN resources and opportunities at Arkansas community colleges.

The mission of the OEN is to remove barriers to education and provide students and faculty with the resources they need in order to succeed. The OEN provides colleges with access to an online library of open textbooks, which are textbooks that have an open license and, therefore, are free for anyone to use.

Through this position, Mr. Warnick will have access to the OEN Google Group community of practice and interact with subscribers on behalf of local communities in the OEN.  He will also have access to the OEN Community Hub, whose resources he will be able to customize and share with his local network.

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