BRTC Employees Key in Opening Randolph County Junior Auxiliary Chapter

Randolph County Junior Auxiliary members Meg Dilday, Claire Garoutte, Jennifer Hibbard, and Abby Tyler receiving certification of the Randolph County Junior Auxiliary charter

Black River Technical College (BRTC) Sloan Hendrix/Walnut Ridge Career Coach Abigail Tyler and Nursing Instructor Jennifer Hibbard were instrumental in the creation and charter of the Randolph County Junior Auxiliary.

Tyler is acting President and Hibbard is ex-officio of the junior auxiliary.

Hibbard said she and Tyler saw thriving junior auxiliary chapters in surrounding counties, “making positive differences in their communities, so we wanted to start one here. The conversation started with a phone call to headquarters then our region chapter development coordinator reached out to begin the information meeting and petitioning process.”

Hibbard said the auxiliary “would like to expand our chapter and provide quality service projects in our community. We will continue to have fundraisers in order to be able to carry out service projects. A main goal for this first year is establishing a well-known presence in Randolph County.” The ladies involved in the auxiliary are dedicated to the common goal of  “Growth, Quality and Presence.”

The Randolph County Junior Auxiliary will hold its next benefit event in October with raffle tickets going on sale the week of September 25. Tickets can be purchased from junior auxiliary members or on October 14 outside of the American Made General Store (AMGS) where junior auxiliary members will have a table set up. The drawing will occur the same day. Participants do not have to be present to win.

“We hope this is a successful fundraiser for us in order to carry out a Thanksgiving service project,” said Hibbard.

A $20 raffle ticket will purchase one chance to win a Grocery Grab at AMGS. The first-place winner will receive three minutes to shop with a max of $500 in food relate items from the left side of the AMGS. Second place will receive a $100 gift card and third place will receive a $50 gift card to AMGS.

Other BRTC representatives in the junior auxiliary are Allison Swann, and BRTC Foundation member Sarah Lowtharp.

According to the Pocahontas Star Herald, Junior Auxiliary of Randolph County’s purpose is to encourage members to render charitable services, which are beneficial to the general public with emphasis on children. The group is committed to serving the Randolph County community, and are already making a significant impact.