BRTC Adult Education Students earn over $8,000 in Field Study

The BRTC Adult Education Program recently participated in a nationwide, assessment-based field study.  Students who wished to participate took tests in reading, math, and language on both the computer and using paper/pencil as part of a norming process for an upcoming test edition to be published in the near future.

Forty-five students participated and collectively earned $8,465 by taking one to three tests. Students earned anywhere from $50 up $260 depending on the level and number of tests they took.  In total, 111 tests were taken and all were successfully submitted and scored.  Students were compensated by VISA gift cards.  Additionally, the Adult Education Fund held in the BRTC Foundation received $1,865 in appreciation for participating.

Adult Education instructor Cindy Robinett, field study coordinator, said, “We’ve never been involved in anything like this before and it was a really good experience for our students.”  BRTC students joined approximately 40,000 students nationwide in this field study. “Now that we’ve had a successful first experience, we’re hopeful we’ll be chosen to participate again in the future,” added Robinett.


Photo: BRTC Adult Education instructor Cindy Robinett and Shay Shocklee, one of 45 students who participated in the recent academic field study.